Psycho-legal Consultation
WISe Psychology provides consultation to attorneys and mental health professionals to address questions that pertain to the interaction of psychology and the legal system. This may include helping prepare mental health professionals for testimony or deposition, addressing issues surrounding subpoenas and court orders, or helping them understand their role in legal proceedings.
Consultation with attorneys often focuses on addressing questions regarding possible mental health issues. Such consultation may help determine the need for some form of forensic evaluation, to assist the attorney in most effectively representing their client or understand their client’s needs. This may also include consultation with attorneys regarding psychological evaluations previously conducted by other psychologists (also known as work product review). This type of consultation may be helpful in preparing for trial, considering a second opinion evaluation or understanding the opinions contained in the initial evaluation.
Provider Consultation
We provide professional consultation for clinicians engaged in the treatment of trauma with special consideration to treatment of combat and military-related trauma survivors. Areas that can be addressed include vicarious traumatization, treatment planning, and risk management. We also provide clinical supervision for those working towards licensure hours or those needing supervision related to the provision of evidence-based therapies specifically for trauma.
Corrections Consultation
We have years of experience working in various types of corrections settings, including both jails and prisons. We have implemented evidence-based and scientifically informed programming in large facilities with national recognition for this work. We are available for consultation with agencies looking to adapt new practices or address challenges currently faced. Our consultation focuses on legal considerations, best practices in the field, and resource allocation based on setting and availability.
Media/Speaking Engagements
We have been featured in local and nationally syndicated print and radio media. We have also provided educational and professional development presentations for local businesses and governmental organizations on a variety of psychological and psycho-legal topics.
WISe Psychology is available to organizations, news media and press for dissemination of information or professional development for the following topics:
- Role and impact of treating mental illness in correctional settings
- Considerations related to mental illness and those with legal involvement
- Addressing issues around violence
- Issues related to Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), both for civilian and military populations
- Psychological effects of traumatic experiences